Hello there! My name is Caroline Powell and I am currently a junior in college. Writing has been a passion of mine since I could spell my own name, and I’ve always dreamed of starting a blog to share my stories with others.
I actually had “Start a blog” written down as a New Years resolution for 2023. I never took the time to make it happen, so it has become a priority at the start of 2024. Since the blog in itself was a resolution, I returned to my list of goals for inspiration on the purpose of the site. I came across a goal that read:
Celebrate yourself without making purchases.
I chose this goal as the foundation for the blog because it highlights my values of gratitude and joy. In 2024, it’s my goal to appreciate the little gifts that are a part of everyday life. Whether it’s having someone hold the door for you, getting to go for a walk with a friend, or your roommates deciding to have a spontaneous movie night, there are too many good moments that we overlook.
Feel free to follow along as I document the complimentary celebrations in my life, and as time goes on, I’m sure I will settle into the habit of writing about other topics regularly. I’m a student, sister, tour guide, and friend. I love Valentine’s Day, squishmallows, the ocean, Canva, and my dog. Maybe I’ll find inspiration to write about in one of these areas! Thanks for reading along so far, I hope you’ll check back in!